Multiple-Use Management of Protected Natural Areas: Integrating Conservation, Restoration and Recreation in the Spanish Basque Country
In Multiple-Use Management of Protected Natural Areas: Integrating Conservation, Restoration and Recreation in the Spanish Basque Country, editors Mark Ashton, M.F. ’85, Ph.D. ’90, Ashley Duval, MESc. ’10, and Tamara Muruetagoiena, MFS ’08, take a multidisciplinary approach to integrative protected area management, drawing from perspectives in policy science, environmental science, political ecology and silviculture to address the historical, sociopolitical, economic and biophysical origins of contemporary conflicts in resource use and management. While this case study reflects the sets of conditions specific to Aiako Harria, it nonetheless provides broadly applicable lessons and methodological approaches in sustainable multiple-use protected area management, particularly in Europe. To purchase the book, published by Nova Science Publishers, visit