ENV 646b () / 2024-2025
Regenerative Agriculture Systems
Credits: 3
Spring 2025: Tu, 2:30-5:20, Kroon 321
Agriculture systems both depend and have a profound impact on the natural and human environment. There is widespread recognition of the need for agriculture systems to be more regenerative: regenerative food producing systems are ones that contribute to the improvement of the environment and to human wellbeing, not just avoid damages. The aim of this course is to explore what makes food producing systems regenerative. While there is a lot of momentum around the framing of “regenerative agriculture” there is not a lot of detail about what actually makes a system regenerative. The goals of the course are to: provide technical understanding of the science of agricultural systems; develop practical experience applying this science to real world scenarios of strategy development in agriculture; and, increase exposure to practitioners at the interface of agriculture and the environment.