ENV 822a/MGT 553 (Tentative) () (Tentative) / 2025-2026

Strategic Communication: Delivering Effective Presentations(see description for section times and dates)

Note: this course information is for the 2025-2026 academic year, not the current academic year (2024-2025).
Credits: 1.5
Fall 2025: Time and location TBA

Must get permission from Instructor to enroll in course - Cannot add this course to online worksheet

Enrollment cap of 6 YSE students per section.

F&ES students are asked to submit a statement of interest to Professor Reich.

2 Sections available in Fall-2  
Section -01: T/Th 10:10-11:30 - Evans Hall
Section -02: T/Th 1:00-2:20 - Evans Hall 

The focus of this course is to increase one's competencies in oral communication and presentation. Developing and executing effective communication strategies is essential in a variety of business settings. Business leaders are often expected to present their message with confidence and clarity to employees, clients, partners, investors and the public. This highly interactive, practical course will help students develop confidence in public speaking through weekly presentations and assignments, lectures and discussions, guest speakers, simulated activities, and filmed feedback. Students will be given the opportunity to present both individually and as part of a team. We will explore the essentials of communication strategy and persuasion: audience analysis, message construction, communicator credibility, and delivery. Students at all levels of mastery of public speaking will benefit from this course.  Enrollment is limited to 36.  Students are required to attend the first class session in order to remain enrolled or to bid for the course. 
6 F&ES students per section