[[ENV 823/LAW 20297] () ] / 2024-2025

Energy Law and Policy (Follows Law School Calendar)

Credits: 2



This course explores the troubled intersection between energy, environmental, economic and national security policies.  We consider a diverse range of regulatory approaches to minimize adverse environmental effects of various forms of energy development.  These include emerging issues regarding climate change and promoting renewable energy, hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”), regulation of off-shore drilling and lessons from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, liability for natural resources and other damages from oil spills under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA90), the Fukushima, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear accidents and the role of nuclear energy, if any, going forward.  We also cover the basics of utility rate setting and the role of the Federal Energy Regulatory Agency (FERC).  We conclude by considering the geopolitical implications of various energy policies.  There are no prerequisites.  Supervised Analytic Writing or Substantial Paper credit available for three credits, or a shorter seminar paper or self-scheduled essay exam for two credits.  Self-scheduled examination or paper option