ENV 860a () / 2024-2025

Developing Environmental Policies and Winning Campaigns

Credits: 3
Fall 2024: M, 2:30-5:20, Kroon 319

This course is about what makes an environmental policy idea successful — one that can go from concept to law, get implemented well, and achieve its intended goals. In addition, this class will cover how to develop and run effective campaigns to win environmental policies. Good policy does not just happen. It takes creative thinking, learning from experience and history, and an ability to ‘look around corners’ to help ensure that your idea can actually be well implemented, won’t have unintended consequences, and will actually solve the problem you set out to alleviate. And, once you have a honed policy idea, there is no magic wand that will turn it into the law of the land. Whether in city hall, the state legislature, the U.S. Congress, or a corporate boardroom, many stakeholders will have a hand in determining whether an idea turns into a law.