ENV 954a () / 2024-2025
Management Plans for Protected Areas (includes Friday and Saturday Field trips)
Credits: 3
Fall 2024: M,W, 1:00-2:20, Marsh Rotunda |
A seminar that comprises the documentation of land use history and zoning, mapping and interpretation, and the collection and analysis of socioeconomic, biological, and physical information for the construction of management plans. Plans are constructed for private small-holders within the Quiet Corner Initiative partnership managed by the Yale School Forests. In the past plans have been completed for the Nature Conservancy; Massachusetts Trustees of Reservations; town land trusts; city parks and woodlands of New Haven, New York, and Boston; and the Appalachian Mountain Club. Prerequisite: ENV 659b or 660a, or permission of the instructor. Ten days fieldwork.
Must also take ENV 957 in same semester.
ENV 659: The Practice of Silviculture: Principles in Applied Forest Ecology (Friday field trips)
ENV 804: Economics of Environmental & Natural Resource Management
or permission of instructor.
Limited to 20