ENV 956b () / 2024-2025

Strategies for Land Conservation

Credits: 3

Spring 2025: Tu, 2:30-5:20, Sage 24


Our introductory video on the plans for the course can be foundhere. - please watch this before filling out your class application!
The class application form can be foundhere."
Please submit this application no later than the end of the day on Wednesday, December 4th, 2024. Applications after this date will be considered as space allows
This course is a capstone seminar in strategies for private land conservation. The course focuses primarily on issues within the U.S., although many of its lessons can be applied in other countries. The course explores the legal and financial tools used by the land conservation community, as well as management techniques for addressing key strategic issues. The course will also provide perspectives and time for reflection on the history and future of the land conservation movement. The primary focus of the course is to provide students with knowledge of the tools of private land conservation and the necessary professional skills to apply those tools. The course relies heavily on guest speakers, all of whom are experts and leaders on the topics on which they present. Many of our in-person guest speakers will also be joining a small group of students for dinner after class. Finally, a key deliverable for the course is working with and completing a clinical project for a land conservation organization.
Additional questions, please contact Steven Ring (TF) steven.ring@yale.edu

Enrollment limited to twenty five