ENV 971b () / 2024-2025
Land Use Clinic
Credits: 3
Spring 2025: W, 10:30-11:50, Sage 32
The Land Use Clinic gives students the opportunity to explore a variety of specific land use topics that are of current concern and relevance to the field, to the curriculum, and to society, including renewable energy, natural resources, rural-based land uses, watershed management, agriculture, and sustainable urban planning. In our rapidly changing political environment, strategies that focus on the local level are increasingly more important to achieving our global sustainability goals. Students will work with the Clinic professor and practitioners in the field to develop papers, research memoranda, and publications on a selected topic. The Clinic professor and guest speakers will conduct skill-based workshops focused on the tools and techniques needed to pursue a career in community land use planning. Some synchronized classes will be held online to accommodate guest speakers around the country and outside of the US.The Clinic includes a field trip over Spring break and is available by application only. Applications will be available at the beginning of the Fall semester and selections will be made no later than November 1.
Limited to 15