Matthew J. Kotchen
Professor of Economics
Yale University
Kroon Hall Room 207
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Tel: (203) 432-9533
Fax: (203) 436-9150


Curriculum Vitae
Academic publications
Working Papers
Other Selected Writing


Working Papers


Stated-Preference Estimates of the Average Social Cost of Carbon
an earlier version circulated NBER Working Paper 32043 (2024), with M. Ashenfarb.

On the Feasibility, Costs, and Benefits of an Immediate Phaseout of Coal for U.S. Electricity Generation
NBER Working Paper 32235 (2024), with S. Holland, E. Mansur, and A Yates.

Is the Emphasis on Cofinancing Good for Environmental Multilateral Funds?
NBER Working Paper 31485 (2023), with A. Vogt.