Benoit Lab


Publications are available from ResearchID ( and are listed below.


Balmori D. and G. Benoit (2007) Land and Natural Development (LAND) Code: Guidelines for Sustainable Land Development. John Wiley and Sons. 256 pp.
Graf W., C. Aichinger, B. Anderson, G. Benoit, P. Bisson, M. Garcia, J. Heaney, C. Johnston, L. Lane, C. Olsen, M. Pfeffer, L. Shabman, J. Stanford and S. Trimble  (1998) New Strategies for America's Watersheds: Integrating Ecological, Economic, and Social Factors, National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 311 pp.

Research Articles (Published or submitted)

60. Benoit G. and S. Owen (for submission) Short-term sediment dynamics in a Connecticut estuary as elucidated by beryllium-7.

59. Liu H., Y. Liu, H. Guo and G. Benoit (submitted) An integrated system dynamics model developed for managing lake water quality at the watershed scale. J. Environ. Management.

58. Adera S., G. Benoit, E. Twohig, K. Jagannathan, and A. Drizo (submitted) Improving performance of treatment wetlands with supplemental aeration, varying flow direction, and phosphorus removing filters.

57. Wang. P and G. Benoit (submitted) Modeling the comprehensive phosphorus cycle in a managed eutrophic lake.
56. Wang. P and G. Benoit (submitted) Biogeochemical role of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria on phosphorus cycling in a managed eutrophic lake.

55. Feingold B.J., H. Ernstberger, R. Rudel and G. Benoit (submitted) Sediment core analysis of historical DDT deposition, Barnstable County, Cape Cod, MA

54. Wang. P and G. Benoit (submitted) Total mass balance of phosphorus cycling in a eutrophic lake: Importance of storm loading.

53. Schiff R., G. Benoit and J. MacBroom (2010) Evaluating stream restoration: a case study from two partially developed 4th order Connecticut, U.S.A streams and evaluation monitoring strategies. River Research and Applications 27(4), 431-460.
52. Xu X.G., H.F. Peng, Q.Z. Xu, H.Y. Xiao and G. Benoit (2009) Land changes and conflicts coordination in coastal urbanization: A case study of the Shandong Peninsula in China.  Coastal Management 37, 54-69.

51. Clark H.F. and G. Benoit (2009) Legacy sources of mercury in an urbanized watershed.  Environ. Chem. 6, 235-244.

50. Clark H.F. and G. Benoit (2009) Current and historic mercury deposition to New Haven Harbor (CT, USA): Implications for industrial coastal environments. Sci. Total Environ. 407, 4472–4479.

49. Twining B.S., S.E. Mylon, and G. Benoit (2007) Potential role of copper availability in nitrous oxide accumulation in a temperate lake.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 52, 1354-1366.

48. Hu H., Mylon S., and G. Benoit (2007) Volatile organic sulfur compounds in a stratified lake.  Chemosphere 67, 911-919.

47. Schiff R.K. and G. Benoit (2007) Effects of impervious cover at multiple spatial scales on coastal watershed streams.  J. Amer. Water Resour. Assoc. 43, 712-730.

46. Hu H., Mylon S., and G. Benoit (2006) Distribution of the thiols glutathione and 3-mercaptopropionic acid in Connecticut lakes.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 51, 2763-2774.

45. K. J. O’Keefe, N. M. Morales, H. Ernstberger, G. Benoit, and P. E. Turner (2006) Laboratory-dependent bacterial ecology: A cautionary tale.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72, 3032-3035.

44. Morrison M. and G. Benoit (2005) Temporal variability in physical speciation of metals during a winter rain-on-snow event.  J. Environ. Qual. 34, 1610-1619.

43. Morrison, M. A. and G. Benoit (2004) Investigation of conventional membrane and tangential flow ultrafiltration artifacts and their application to the characterization of freshwater colloids. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: 6817-6823

42. Mylon, S.E., B.S. Twining, N.S. Fisher and G. Benoit (2003) relating the speciation of Cd, Cu, and Pb in two connecticut rivers with their uptake in algae. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 1261-1267

41. Kramer J.R., G. Benoit et al. (2002) Environmental chemistry of silver.  In: Silver in the Environment: Transport, Fate, and Effects. (A.W. Andren & T.W. Bober, eds.) SETAC Press.

40. Mylon S., H. Hu and G. Benoit (2001) Unsuitability of Cr(II) reduction for the measurement of sulfides in oxic water samples.  Anal. Chem. 74, 661-663.
39. Mylon S. and G. Benoit (2001) Subnanomolar detection of acid labile sulfides by the classical methylene blue method coupled to HPLC. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35, 4544-4548.

38. Morrison M. and G. Benoit (2001) Filtration artifacts caused by overloading membrane filters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35, 3774-3779.

37. Rozan T.F. and G. Benoit (2001) Mass balance of heavy metal in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut: The predominance of nonpoint sources.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 46, 2032-2049.

36. Zelewski L.M., G. Benoit and D.E. Armstrong (2001) Mercury dynamics in Tivoli South Bay, a freshwater tidal mudflat wetland in the Hudson River.  Biogeochemistry 52, 93-112.

35. Rozan T.F. and K.S. Hunter (2001) Effects of discharge on silver loading and transport in the Quinnipiac River, Connecticut. Sci. Total Environ. 279, 195-205.

34. Lee X., G. Benoit and X. Hu (2000) Total gaseous mercury concentration and flux over a coastal salt marsh in Connecticut.  Atmos. Environ. 34, 4205-4213.

32. Benoit G. and T.F. Rozan (2001) 210Pb and 137Cs dating methods in lakes: A retrospective study. Journal of Paleolimnology 25, 455-465.
31. Rozan T.F., G. Benoit, H. Nash, and Y.-P. Chin (1999) Intercomparison of DPASV and ISE for evaluation of Cu complexation by natural DOM.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 33, 1766-1770.

30. Rozan T.F. and G. Benoit (1999) Geochemical factors controlling free Cu ion concentrations in rivers. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63, 3311-3319.

29. Rozan T.F. and G. Benoit (1999) Heavy metal removal efficiencies in a river-marsh system estimated from patterns of accumulation in sediments. Mar. Environ. Res. 48, 335-351.

28. Rozan T.F., G. Benoit and G. Luther, III (1999) Measuring metal sulfides complexes in oxic river waters with square wave voltammetry.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 33, 3021-3026.

27. Benoit G. and T.F. Rozan (1999) The influence of size distribution on the particle concentration effect and trace metal partitioning in rivers. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63, 113-127.

26. Benoit G., E.X. Wang, W.C. Nieder, M. Levandowsky, and V. Breslin (1999) Sources and history of heavy metal contamination and sediment deposition in Tivoli South Bay, Hudson River, NY.  Estuaries 22, 167-178.

25. Benoit G., T.F. Rozan, P. Patton and C. Arnold (1999) Trace metals and radionuclides reveal sediment sources and accumulation rate in Jordan Cove, Connecticut.  Estuaries 22, 65-80.

24. Anisfeld S.C., M.J. Tobin and G. Benoit (1999) Sedimentation rates in flow-restricted and restored salt marshes in Long Island Sound.  Estuaries 22, 231-244.

23. Bormann B.T., D.S. Wang, F.H. Bormann, G. Benoit, R. April, and M.C. Snyder (1998) Rapid, plant-induced weathering in an aggrading experimental ecosystem.  Biogeochemistry 43, 129-155.

22. Benoit G., K.S. Hunter and T.F. Rozan (1997) Sources of trace metal contamination artifacts during collection, handling, and analysis of freshwaters. Anal. Chem. 69, 1006-1011.

21. Anisfeld S.C. and G. Benoit (1997) Impacts of flow restrictions on salt marshes: An incidence of acidification. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1650-1657.

20. Rozan T.F., G. Benoit and R.H. April (1997) A selective dissolution analysis optimized for measurement of weathering products in a soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61, 941-958.

19. Wang E.X. and G. Benoit (1997) Fate and transport of contaminant lead in spodosols: A simple box model analysis. Water Air Soil Pollut. 95, 381-397.

18. Wang E.X. and G. Benoit (1996) Mechanisms controlling the mobility of contaminant lead in spodosols: Speciation studies of soil solutions. Environ. Sci. Technol.  30, 2211-2219.
17. Benoit G. and H.F. Hemond (1996) Vertical eddy diffusion calculated by the flux gradient method: Significance of sediment-water heat exchange. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41, 157-168.

16. Benoit G. (1995) Evidence of the particle concentration effect for lead and other metals in fresh waters based on ultraclean technique analyses. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 59, 2677-2687.

15. Wang E.X., F.H. Bormann and G. Benoit (1995) Evidence of complete retention of atmospheric lead in the soils of northern hardwood forest ecosystems. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29, 735-739.

14. Benoit G. (1994) Clean technique measurement of Pb, Ag, and Cd in fresh water: A redefinition of metal pollution. Environ. Sci. Technol. 28, 1987-1991.

13. Rozan T.F., K. Hunter and G. Benoit (1994) Industrialization as recorded in floodplain deposits of the Quinnipiac River, Connecticut. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 28, 564-569.

12. Benoit G., J. Schwantes, G.S. Jacinto and M.R. Goud-Collins (1994) Preliminary study of the redistribution and transformation of HgS from cinnabar mine tailings deposited in Honda Bay, Palawan, the Philippines. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 28, 754-759.

11. Benoit G., S.D. Oktay-Marshall, A. Cantu, Ii, E.M. Hood, C.H. Coleman, M.O. Corapcioglu and P.H. Santschi (1994) Partitioning of Cu, Pb, Ag, Zn, Fe, Al, and Mn between filter-retained particles, colloids, and solution in six Texas estuaries. Mar. Chem. 45, 307-336.

10. Morse J.W., B.J. Presley, R.J. Taylor, G. Benoit and P.H. Santschi (1993) Trace metals in Galveston Bay: Water, sediments, and biota. Mar. Environ. Res. 36, 1-37.

9. Baskaran M., P.H. Santschi, G. Benoit and B. Honeyman (1992) Scavenging of thorium isotopes by colloids in seawater of the Gulf of Mexico.  Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56, 3375-3388.

8. Benoit G. and H.F. Hemond (1991) Evidence for diffusive redistribution of 210Pb in lake sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 55, 1963-1975.

7. Benoit G. and H.F. Hemond (1990) 210Po and 210Pb remobilization from lake sediments in relation to iron and manganese cycling. Environ. Sci. Technol. 24, 1224-1234.

6. Santschi P.H., G. Benoit, P. Hoehener, and M. Buchholtz-Ten Brink (1990) Chemical processes at the sediment-water interface. Mar. Chem. 30, 269-316.

5. Benoit G. and H.F. Hemond (1988) Improved methods for the measurement of 210Po, 210Pb, and 226Ra, Limnol. Oceanogr. 33, 1618-1622.
4. Benoit G. and H.F. Hemond (1988) On Dilution of 210Pb by organic sedimentation in lakes of different trophic states, and application to studies of sediment-water interactions, Limnol. Oceanogr. 33, 299-304.

3. Benoit G. and H.F. Hemond (1987) Biogeochemical mass balance of 210Po and 210Pb in a New England Lake, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 51, 1445-1456.

2. Buesseler K.O., G. Benoit, and E.R. Sholkovitz (1985) A pore water study of plutonium in a seasonally anoxic lake, J. Environ. Radioactivity, 2, 283-292.

1. Benoit G., K.K. Turekian, and L.K. Benninger (1979) Radiocarbon dating of a core from Long Island Sound, Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Sci. 9, 171 - 183.