Faculty Expertise / Natural Resource Management & Policy

Board of Permanent Officers

Indy Burke

Carl W. Knobloch, Jr. Dean;
Professor of Ecosystem Ecology

Susan G. Clark

Joseph F. Cullman 3rd Adjunct Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Policy Sciences
Board of Permanent Officers

Michael R. Dove

Margaret K. Musser Professor of Social Ecology; Professor of Anthropology, Curator of Anthropology Peabody Museum; Co-Coordinator, Joint YSE/Anthropology Doctoral Program; Chair Council on Southeast Asian Studies
Board of Permanent Officers

Robert O. Mendelsohn

Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor of Forest Policy; Professor of Economics; and Professor, School of Management
Board of Permanent Officers

John P. Wargo

Tweedy-Ordway Professor of Environmental Health and Politics Yale University School of the Environment.
Chair, Yale College Environmental Studies Major and Program.
Visiting and Consulting Professor at Yale-NUS College.
Visiting Professor, Universität Basel, Switzerland, Graduate School of Law and Economics.

Areas of Faculty Expertise