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The Environmental Science Center of Yale's School of the Environment is a modern, well-equipped laboratory that is active in many areas of environmental biogeochemistry. Some of the relevant instruments that are available include:
Organic Carbon
Most instruments are equipped with autosamplers for maximum sample throughput. Sample digestion options include a 54 sample, metal-free, block digester, a 12 sample MARS 3 automated microwave digestion system with solvent reduction unit, and a UV oxidation system accepting up to 8 simultaneous samples. The analytical laboratory is supervised by a full-time lab manager.
Benoit operates a 200 ft2 Class-100 positive-pressure clean room dedicated to the analysis of trace materials. The filtered-air environment within the clean lab contains fewer than 100 dust particles (> 0.5 mm) per ft3 (conventional lab air typically contains ³100,000/ft3). The clean lab also features an all-polypropylene, HEPA-filtered clean fume hood, two laminar-flow clean benches (one Class 10), an inert atmosphere glove box, and activated-carbon air filtration to facilitate low-level Hg analysis. There are capabilities to monitor both total particulate matter and vapor phase Hg in the clean room air. The pressure differentials between the clean room, changing room, and main lab are monitored continuously. In addition, the laboratory has all the ordinary necessities such as a research-quality pure water supply, hoods, balances, ovens, furnaces, incubators, lyophilizers, refrigerated high capacity centrifuge, and the like.
The PI has four ISCO 3700 programmable autosamplers and five YSI 6920 and one YSI 6600 water quality analyzer/data loggers capable of measuring and recording pH, conductivity, DO, temperature, turbidity, chlorophyll, and water depth continuously for periods as long as a month. Yale has a wide variety of sampling equipment including a 23’ Parker SportCabin cruiser and a number of small boats and motors.