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Kenneth Gillingham
Professor, Yale School of the Environment
E-mail: kenneth dot gillingham at yale dot edu

Research Interests

Environmental & Energy Economics, Industrial Organization, Public Economics, Empirical Methods,
Technological Change, Transportation Economics, Energy & Climate Policy Modeling


All Papers | Selected Economics Papers | Selected Science Papers | Selected Management Papers

Selected Papers in Management Journals

Boundary Effects in the Diffusion of New Products on Cartesian Networks (with Gadi Fibich and Tomer Levin)
Operations Research (2024), forthcoming
[Published Version] [Working Paper]

Promotional Campaign Duration and Word-of-Mouth in Solar Panel Adoption (with Bryan Bollinger, Stefan Lamp, and Tsvetan Tsvetanov)
Marketing Science (2024), 43(5): 925-1151 (Finalist in the 2022 Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize Competition)
[Published Version] [Working Paper]

Delivering Affordable Clean Energy to Consumers (with Praveen Kopelle, Jesse Burkhardt, Lauren Grewal, and Nailya Ordabayeva)
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2024), 52: 1452-1474
[Published Version] [Working Paper]

Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Pricing on Residential Electricity Consumption (with Jesse Burkhardt and Praveen Kopalle)
Management Science (2023), 69(12): 7151-7882
[Published Version] [Working Paper] [Earlier NBER Working Paper]

Making Pro-social Social: The Effectiveness of Social Norm Appeals for Energy Conservation Using Social Media (with Kelly Guo and Bryan Bollinger)
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research (2023), 8(3): 290-300
[Published Version] [Working Paper]

Visibility and Peer Influence in Durable Good Adoption (with Bryan Bollinger, Justin Kirkpatrick, and Steve Sexton)
Marketing Science (2022), 41(3): 453-476
[Published Version] [Working Paper]

Social Learning and Solar Photovoltaic Adoption (with Bryan Bollinger)
Management Science (2021), 67(11): 6629-7289
[Published Version] [Working Paper]

Attribute Substitution in Household Vehicle Portfolios (with Jim Archsmith, Chris Knittel, and Dave Rapson)
RAND Journal of Economics (2020), 51(4): 1162-1196
[Published Version] [Earlier Working Paper]

Peer Effects in the Diffusion of Solar Photovoltaic Panels (with Bryan Bollinger)
Marketing Science (2012), 31(6): 900-912
[Published Version] [Working Paper Version] [Online Appendix]