Professor, Yale School of the Environment
E-mail: kenneth dot gillingham at yale dot edu
Research Interests
Environmental & Energy Economics, Industrial Organization, Public Economics, Empirical Methods,
Technological Change, Transportation Economics, Energy & Climate Policy Modeling
All Papers | Selected Economics Papers | Selected Science Papers | Selected Management Papers
Selected Papers in Management Journals
Boundary Effects in the Diffusion of New Products on Cartesian Networks (with Gadi Fibich and Tomer Levin) Promotional Campaign Duration and Word-of-Mouth in Solar Panel Adoption (with Bryan Bollinger, Stefan Lamp, and Tsvetan Tsvetanov) Delivering Affordable Clean Energy to Consumers (with Praveen Kopelle, Jesse Burkhardt, Lauren Grewal, and Nailya Ordabayeva) Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Pricing on Residential Electricity Consumption (with Jesse Burkhardt and Praveen Kopalle) Making Pro-social Social: The Effectiveness of Social Norm Appeals for Energy Conservation Using Social Media (with Kelly Guo and Bryan Bollinger) Visibility and Peer Influence in Durable Good Adoption (with Bryan Bollinger, Justin Kirkpatrick, and Steve Sexton) Social Learning and Solar Photovoltaic Adoption (with Bryan Bollinger) Attribute Substitution in Household Vehicle Portfolios (with Jim Archsmith, Chris Knittel, and Dave Rapson) Peer Effects in the Diffusion of Solar Photovoltaic Panels (with Bryan Bollinger)
Operations Research (2024), forthcoming
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
Marketing Science (2024), 43(5): 925-1151 (Finalist in the 2022 Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize Competition)
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2024), 52: 1452-1474
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
Management Science (2023), 69(12): 7151-7882
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
[Earlier NBER Working Paper]
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research (2023), 8(3): 290-300
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
Marketing Science (2022), 41(3): 453-476
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
Management Science (2021), 67(11): 6629-7289
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
RAND Journal of Economics (2020), 51(4): 1162-1196
[Published Version]
[Earlier Working Paper]
Marketing Science (2012), 31(6): 900-912
[Published Version]
[Working Paper Version]
[Online Appendix]