Professor, Yale School of the Environment
E-mail: kenneth dot gillingham at yale dot edu
Research Interests
Environmental & Energy Economics, Industrial Organization, Public Economics, Empirical Methods,
Technological Change, Transportation Economics, Energy & Climate Policy Modeling
All Papers | Selected Economics Papers | Selected Science Papers | Selected Management Papers
Selected Economics Papers
Microeconomics of the Solar Rebound Under Net Metering (with Matt Oliver and Juan Moreno-Cruz)
Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists (2024), forthcoming
[Published Version]
[Earlier Working Paper]
Climate Change through the Lens of Macroeconomics (with Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde and Simon Scheidegger) Racial Disparities in the Health Effects from Air Pollution: Evidence from Ports (with Pei Huang) Air Pollution and Solar Energy: Evidence from Wildfires (with Seung Min Kim) Carbon Pricing and the Emissions Implications of Electric Vehicles (with Marten Ovaere and Stephanie Weber) Peer-to-Peer Solar and Social Rewards: Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Stefano Carattini, Xiangyu Meng, and Erez Yoeli) Has Consumer Acceptance of Electric Vehicles Been Increasing? Evidence from Microdata on Every New Vehicle Sale in the United States (with Arthur van Benthem, Stephanie Weber, Daly Saafi, and Xin He) Quantifying the Benefits of the Introduction of the Hybrid Electric Vehicle (with Rich Langford) Equilibrium Trade in Automobile Markets (with Fedor Iskhakov, Anders Munk-Nielsen, John Rust, and Bertel Schjerning) What is the Value of Conformity? Evidence from Home Landscaping and Water Conservation (with Jesse Burkhardt, Nathan Chan, and Bryan Bollinger) Consumer Myopia in Vehicle Purchases: Evidence from a Natural Experiment (with Sebastien Houde and Arthur van Benthem) Attribute Substitution in Household Vehicle Portfolios (with Jim Archsmith, Chris Knittel, and Dave Rapson) Peer Effects in Residential Water Conservation: Evidence from Migration (with Bryan Bollinger and Jesse Burkhardt) Hurdles and Steps: Estimating Demand for Solar Photovoltaics (with Tsvetan Tsvetanov) A Tale of Two Tails: Commuting and the Fuel Price Response in Driving (with Anders Munk-Nielsen) Is Abundant Natural Gas a Bridge to a Low-Carbon Future or a Dead-end? (with Pei Huang) The Costs of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (with Jim Stock) Modeling Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment of Climate Change: A Multi-Model Comparison (with William Nordhaus et al.) Nudging Energy Efficiency Audits: Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Tsvetan Tsvetanov) The Rebound Effect and Energy Efficiency Policy (with David Rapson and Gernot Wagner) Deconstructing Solar Photovoltaic Pricing: The Role of Market Structure, Technology, and Policy (with Hao Deng et al.) The Microeconomic Theory of the Rebound Effect and its Welfare Implications (with Nathan W. Chan) Heterogeneity in the Response to Gasoline Prices: Evidence from Pennsylvania and Implications for the Rebound Effect (with Alan Jenn and Inês Azevedo) Spatial Patterns of Solar Photovoltaic System Adoption: The Influence of Neighbors and the Built Environment (with Marcello Graziano) Bridging the Energy Efficiency Gap: Policy Insights from Economic Theory and Empirical Analysis (with Karen Palmer) Identifying the Elasticity of Driving: Evidence from a Gasoline Price Shock in California Barriers to the Implementation of Low Carbon Technologies (with Jim Sweeney) Split Incentives in Residential Energy Consumption (with Matt Harding and Dave Rapson) Energy Efficiency Economics and Policy (with Richard Newell
and Karen Palmer) Modeling Endogenous Technological Change for Climate Policy Analysis (with Richard Newell and William Pizer) Learning-by-Doing and the Optimal Solar Policy in
California (with Arthur van Benthem and James Sweeney)
Annual Review of Economics (2024), forthcoming
[Working Paper]
Journal of Human Resources (2024), forthcoming
[Working Paper]
[NBER Working Paper]
[ZEW Working Paper]
Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists (2024), forthcoming
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists (2024), forthcoming
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
[NBER Working Paper]
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2024), forthcoming
[Final Working Paper]
[Earlier Working Paper]
American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings (2023), 113: 329-335
[Working Paper]
International Journal of Industrial Organization (2023), 87: 102904
[Working Paper]
Journal of Political Economy (2022), 130(10): 2534 2593
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
[NBER Working Paper]
American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2022), 104(1): 228-248
[Published Version]
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2021), 13(3): 207-238
[Published Version]
[Working Paper]
[NBER Working Paper]
RAND Journal of Economics (2020), 51(4): 1162-1196
[Published Version]
[Earlier Working Paper]
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2020), 12(3): 107-133
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper]
[NBER Working Paper]
[Global Water Forum Post]
Quantitative Economics (2019), 10(1): 275-310
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper]
Journal of Urban Economics (2019), 109: 27-40
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper with Online Appendix]
Energy Journal (2019), 40(2): 75-100
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper]
[Online Appendix]
Journal of Economic Perspectives (2018), 32(5): 1-20
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper]
Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists (2018), 5(4): 791-826
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper]
[Online Appendix]
[Earlier Cowles Foundation Working Paper]
Journal of Environmental Economics & Management (2018), 90: 303-316
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper]
Review of Environmental Economics & Policy (2016), 10(1): 68-88
[Published Version]
[Final Working Paper]
[Supplementary Materials]
[RFF Discussion Paper]
Energy Journal (2016), 37(3): 231-250
[Published Version]
[LBNL Working Paper]
Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists (2015), 2(1): 133-159
[Published Version]
[Working Paper Version]
Energy Economics (2015), 52(S1): S41-S52
[Published Version]
[Working Paper with Online Appendix]
Journal of Economic Geography (2015), 15(4): 815-839
[Published Version]
[Working Paper Version]
Review of Environmental Economics & Policy (2014), 8(1): 18-38
[Published Version]
[RFF Discussion Paper Version]
Regional Science & Urban Economics (2014), 47(4): 13-24
[Published Version]
[Working Paper Version]
Climate Change Economics (2012), 3(4): 1-25
[Published Version]
[Working Paper Version]
Energy Journal (2012), 33(2): 37-62
[Published Version]
[Working Paper Version]
[Contract Theory Appendix]
Annual Review of Resource Economics (2009), 1: 597-619
Version] [NBER Working
Paper Version] [RFF Discussion
Paper Version] [Reprint in Italian in Energia]
Energy Economics (2008), 30(6): 2734-2753
Version] [RFF Discussion Paper Version]
Energy Journal (2008), 29(3): 131-151
Version] [Final Working
Paper Version] [RFF Weekly Policy
Commentary based on the paper]