Data Storage and Backup
YSE-IT supports an in-house server, designated WOTAN, for data storage. WOTAN has an approximate capacity of 10TB, but this capacity can be re-allocated as needed, as WOTAN is part of the YSE-IT Storage Area Network (SAN). YSE faculty and staff are allowed to store data on WOTAN and all changes on the server are backed up daily to disk, Monday through Friday. Each week, we perform a full backup to tape.
Box at Yale Provides 50GB of free document storage and sharing for Yale users 1 or 2-lock data only.
Box file storage is not to be used for 3-lock data.
All YSE-owned computers are backed up to a YSE server running CrashPlan Pro Enterprise. CrashPlan makes a full backup of user data and, as often as every 15 minutes, backs up any changes that have occurred. These changes can be saved for up to a year giving version-level control on individual documents. Restorations are performed by the user with no intervention needed by YSE-IT. This backup service also works off campus without VPN running.
To verify your back up is working:
PC - Click START -> ALL PROGRAMS -> Crash Plan. When the application opens a progress bar will appear indicating the current status/progress of your backup. Alternatively there will be an icon in the system tray in the lower right hand corner of the taskbar (next to the clock) hover over this icon and a progress bar will appear.
MAC - Open APPLICATIONS -> Crash Plan. Once the application loads, you will see the progress bar indicating status of backup.
Box at Yale Provides 50GB of free document storage and sharing for Yale users 1 or 2-lock data only.
Box file storage is not to be used for 3-lock data.
All YSE-owned computers are backed up to a YSE server running CrashPlan Pro Enterprise. CrashPlan makes a full backup of user data and, as often as every 15 minutes, backs up any changes that have occurred. These changes can be saved for up to a year giving version-level control on individual documents. Restorations are performed by the user with no intervention needed by YSE-IT. This backup service also works off campus without VPN running.
To verify your back up is working:
PC - Click START -> ALL PROGRAMS -> Crash Plan. When the application opens a progress bar will appear indicating the current status/progress of your backup. Alternatively there will be an icon in the system tray in the lower right hand corner of the taskbar (next to the clock) hover over this icon and a progress bar will appear.
MAC - Open APPLICATIONS -> Crash Plan. Once the application loads, you will see the progress bar indicating status of backup.
YSE Resources » Computing / IT » Data Storage and Backup